Before & After


Who doesn’t like a good before & after? I think that’s one of the biggest reasons why HGTV has become such a powerhouse… the old, dilapidated house turned into a fabulous new rustic farmhouse! SOLD!

There’s a very similar response to before & after’s in photography. Take the above image, this sweet horse was in her barn yesterday enjoying the beautiful, bright sunshine. Her owner wanted just a pic of her with a blacked out background. You can see that not only did I achieve a blacked out background, but I also changed the composition and coloration as well. To me, this is what post-processing is all about: creating the best color & composition for the subject of the photo. Most of the work is done in camera leaving just a few tweaks in photoshop.

Now, there can be much more drastic before & afters for sure! A camera & photoshop are just part of the tools in a photographer’s arsenal. I don’t always use all my tools, but I do work towards using the ones necessary to achieve the desired results for my clients. After 10 years in business, I've learned a lot, and I’m ready to listen and create photos for you!

I’m also hoping to make “before & after” a regular on my blog. So until next time…